Posted on 25 July 2014 by

Workshop on Multidimensional Subjective Well-Being

Turin, Italy, 30-31 October 2014
c/o Fondazione Rosselli – corso Giulio Cesare 4bis/b

In collaboration with OECD-High Level Expert Group on the Measurement of Economic Performance and Social Progress, and Collegio Carlo Alberto

  • 30th October, all day: a closed Workshop held by members of the OECD-HLEG and invited experts. The latest agenda is available here
  • 31st October, morning: a Round Table, open to the public, to present and discuss the recommendations formulated by the panel of OECD-HLEG members and invited experts. Download flyer
  • 31st October, afternoon: an Academic Workshop of the Simon Society, in collaboration with Collegio Carlo Alberto, with a plenary session followed by a number of parallel sessions to present papers selected through a Call for papers. Download programme

A Special issue of The Simon Society Workshop will be published in the journal Mind & Society.

Download the Call for papers (pdf): closed.

The conference fee will be 250 euros and will include the membership to the Simon Society for the year

The deadline for sending the abstract is September 15th 2014. Acceptance will be communicated by
September 22nd 2014.

We call for papers that cover the following topics:

  • Aspiration adaptation
  • Affect heuristics and somatic markers
  • Behavioural ethical finance Culture, arts and happiness Ecological rationality of happiness Education and subjective well-being Gender and Subjective Well-Being
  • Life-course events and subjective well-being Multidimensional measures of subjective well-being Neurocognitive basis of altruism and cooperation Neurocognitive models of happiness
  • Nudging for social well-being
  • Personality and subjective well-being
  • Philosophy of management and organizational happiness Physical and menthal health and subjective well-beimg “Satisficing” and happiness
  • Smart and frugal heuristics for happiness
  • Social capital, institution and trust
  • Tacit dimension of subjective well-being
  • The social dimension of aspiration’s level
  • Work-Family Conflict and Subjective Well-Being

Scientific Secretariat: Riccardo Viale (HSS and Scuola Nazionale dell’Amministrazione, Roma) and
Marco Novarese (HSS and Università del Piemonte Orientale, Alessandria, Italy)
Secretariat: Laura A. Gilardi

Call for Papers-WS Multidimensional subjective Well-Being: closed.