Posted on 15 October 2016 by

Fourth International Workshop: Behavioral Economics Nudges and Heuristics for Public Policies

Turin, 15th October 2016
3 grants of 400 Euros each will be awarded to the best three proposals of junior applicants
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Pietro Terna President, Collegio Carlo Alberto, Turin
Riccardo Viale General Secretary, Herbert Simon Society, Università degli Studi di Milano – Bicocca
Chairman: Francesco Ramella CPS Department, Università di Torino

What Heuristics for Public Policies
Keynote speech: Gerd Gigerenzer
Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin and President, International Herbert Simon Society


A Roadmap from Full to Bounded Rationality
Mousavi Shabnam Johns Hopkins Univ. Baltimore, Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin

Image and policy: why different representational strategies matter
Jan Gerrit Schuurmann Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin

Simon’s Legacy on Bounded Rationality: Opportunities for a Neuroscience-Based Shared Research Agenda
Duccio Martelli Departement of Economics, University of Perugia

A taxonomy of learning dynamics in 2 X 2 games
Marco Pangallo Institute for New Economic Thinking, Oxford Martin School, Univ. of Oxford, UK

The Approach of Quantum Cognition to Modeling Classical Rationality Violation
Franco Vaio PhD in Anthropology and Epistemology of Complexity, University of Bergamo


Information Representations to Boost Statistical Literacy
Michelle McDowell Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Center for Adaptive Behavior and Cognition, Berlin

Boosting decisions with fast and frugal trees
Mirjam Jenny Harding Center for Risk Literacy, Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin

Mis-Judging Merit: The Effects of Adjudication Errors in Contests
Luca Stanca Dept. of Economics Management and Statistics, University of Milan-Bicocca

The anchor that makes you safe cannot help much. Heuristics of information search and communication in an online forum of investors under market uncertainty
Manuela Testa Department of Economics and Management, University of Brescia

A behavioural principal-agent theory to study corruption and tax evasion
Luca Di Donato PhD Candidate at LUISS Guido Carli University, Rome


Nudge of shared information responsibilities: a meso-economic perspective of the Italian consumer credit reform
Umberto Filotto Università di Tor Vergata, Rome
Caterina Lucarelli Università Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona

Using social norms and pre-populated forms to improve tax collection in Manises
Quique Belenguer Managing Director of mints&brains, Valencia, ESIC Business School, Valencia

Improving the Accuracy of Self-declarations: A Natural Field Experiment
Luigi Mittone Director CEEL and School of Social Sciences, University of Trento

Price dispersion and consumer inattention: evidence from the market of bank accounts
Nicola Branzoli Financial stability Directorate, Bank of Italy

Reputational effects and perceived value of “Smart Heuristics” VS Normative advisors’ recommendations
Davide Pietroni Dept. of Neurosciences, Imaging and Clinical Sciences – University of Chieti-Pescara
Sibylla Verdi Hugues University of Padua, CLA


Duality of Mind and the Libertarian Paternalism
Keynote Speech: Riccardo Viale General Secretary, Herbert Simon Society, Università degli Studi di Milano – Bicocca

Applying behavioural insights to regulated markets
Elisabeth Costa BIT, Behavioural Insights Team, London

Trustlab – Crosss – Country Comparable Data on Trust and other social Norms (presentation)
Fabrice Murtin OECD, Paris


Framing Effects in Intertemporal Choice: A Nudge Experiment
Valeria Faralla DIGSPES Dept. Università del Piemonte Orientale Amedeo Avogadro, Alessandria

Nudge and well-being: a gentle push to promote people’s well-being in the Italian context
Francesco Pozzi IULM University and IESCUM, Milan

Nudging for increased participation: competitive public good games
Giacomo Sillari LUISS Guido Carli, Rome

An experimental study on the impact of social mood on business strategies
Linda Alengoz Dept. of Economics and Management, University of Brescia

On the impact of technology based-monitoring on workers’ behaviors: Experimental investigation
Peguy Ndodjang University of Montpellier- LAMETA


Nudging towards satisficing?
Barbara Fasolo Dept. of Management, London School of Economics and Political Science, London
Raffaella Misuraca University of Palermo

A relevance-oriented rationality and the interpretative function of language and thought: The case of the nudge
Laura Macchi University of Milano, Bicocca

An Ecology of Nudges
Antonio Mastrogiorgio Dept. of Neurosciences, Imaging and Clinical Sciences, Univ. of Chieti-Pescara


Nudge or Boost?
Keynote Speech: Ralph Hertwig Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin

Massimo Egidi Vice President, Herbert Simon Society and LUISS, Rome


In collaboration with

Mind & Society

and with

  • International MAPS  – Master in Public Policy and Social Change and CPS Department of Cultures, Politics and Society
  • Collegio Carlo Alberto, University of Turin

With the support of
compagnia sanpaolo